Oral Vitamin C Supplementation and its Impact on Endothelial Function in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients


  • Zakaria A Alyousif University of Toledo
  • Craig P Black
  • Suzanne Wambold
  • Sadik A. Khuder
  • Barry W Scheuermann




Background Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a prevalent condition associated with endothelial dysfunction, a precursor to cardiovascular disease. Passive Leg Movement (PLM) has emerged as a simple method to assess endothelial function. The role of oral vitamin C in improving endothelial function in OSA patients, however, has been underexplored.


Materials and Methods

This study recruited 26 male subjects, 13 with OSA and 13 healthy controls, aged 18-55 years. PLM was utilized to assess endothelial function by measuring femoral artery blood flow (FBF) and velocity (FBV) using Doppler ultrasound, pre- and post-administration of 1000mg of oral vitamin C. The intervention aimed to compare endothelial function responses between OSA patients and healthy controls, and to evaluate the impact of oral vitamin C on these responses.


Baseline comparisons revealed a significant difference in FBF between OSA patients (76.6 ml/min) and healthy controls (162.1 ml/min, p < 0.05), indicating endothelial dysfunction in OSA. Post-vitamin C intervention, the peak FBF responses in OSA patients showed no significant difference (Pre-vitamin C: 76.6 ml/min, Post-vitamin C: 79.9 ml/min, p > 0.05), suggesting that oral vitamin C did not significantly improve endothelial function in OSA patients.


PLM effectively distinguished between healthy subjects and those with OSA through differences in FBF, confirming its utility as a diagnostic tool for endothelial dysfunction. However, oral vitamin C supplementation did not significantly enhance endothelial function in OSA patients, indicating the need for further research into alternative or adjunctive therapies.




How to Cite

Alyousif, Z. A., Black, C. P., Wambold, S., Khuder, S. A., & Scheuermann, B. W. (2024). Oral Vitamin C Supplementation and its Impact on Endothelial Function in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients. Journal of Advanced Sciences, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.58935/joas.v3i1.47